Sculpting in Blender - Free Introduction
Hey, here's a free section from my Blender course, the topic for today...sculpting!
I just wanted to write to you all again to thank you for the amazing response to the launch of my Blender course, the feedback has been awesome!
But for those of you that have yet to begin your Blender journey I’m going to be dropping a couple of emails over the next couple of weeks with some little demos to give you a good idea of what to expect from this course. There are lots of chapters covering everything from simply Downlading and Installing Blender, to Modeling, rendering and more, but today I’m starting with a little piece from Chapter 10 - Sculpting.
Chapter 10 - Section 1 Chapter Overview
In this first section I give you a quick insight into what to expect from this Chapter of the course. It also let’s you get a little idea of what sculpting actually looks like before we go ahead and start trying it ourselves.
Chapter 10 - Section 2 Sculpting Demo
The point of this part of the course to begin introducing you to the concepts behind sculpting. Starting with the very basics of how sculpting works and also taking a look at some of the most fundamental tools that I use every day.
Blender shortcuts reference sheet.
I also created this simplified overview of the Blender shortcuts as a reference to help you get familiar with some common use shortcuts, give it a download below.
If you’re ready to go ahead and start your Blender Journey, head on over to my Gumroad page below, and as always I’ll see you in the next video :)